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Service Price Number
Pharaoh ant control 450CZK 1x
Ant control 550CZK 2x
Bed bug and flea control 1.600CZK 2x
Bed bug and flea monitoring 500CZK 2x
Cockroach, silverfish and moth control 550CZK 2x
Wasp nest removal 750CZK 1x
Rodent control (3 baits, common basement) 450CZK 2-3x
Appointment within 24 hours, weekends, holidays +20%  
Appointment in 3 or more days -20%  
Service/product Price Number
Deratization bait BASIC 30CZK 1 pc
Deratization bait STANDARD 100CZK 1 pc
Deratization bait PRO 150CZK 1 pc
Departure in Brno area always 550CZK  
Futile trip (no intervention) 850CZK  
Transport outside of Brno 8CZK 1 km
Usage of climbing equipment 1.200CZK  

All prices, VAT excluded.

In case of very strong infestation or difficult conditions only contractual prices are valid.

Why choose our services

  1. Most up-to date agents and technologies.
  2. Fair offers and professional care.
  3. Prevention program and pest insurance.

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